Wow-this thing is a real bitch. A system restore is probably your easiest option, but if you don't have that enabled-here is some info on manually removing it if you know what you are doing.
first off type regedit in run command a search for antivirus2009 or av2009...whatever the program is called. Press f3 and it will show every occurence of that. Make sure to delete it everytime. Then run ccleaner form
Once this is accomplished the virus will be neutralized. I have removed this form of virus a million times and depending on the variation you have a lot of registry entries will need to be removed.
Notice you have used this in a few different thread's. Have never heard of regegit only misconfig. I'm really illiterate when it comes to this machine and it sure sounds like you know what you are doing. having a whole lot of slow problems and have plenty of memory left.Have run Spybot and Ca daily. Also defraged even though it said i didn't need. Is this a good formula for my problems' . Thanks